主厨专访 | 颠覆传统的 Blake Thornley

Blake started working in the world's top creative restaurant at the age of eleven, he is a wild card in more ways than one. Think fermented bean curd with honey, roast peppers with preserved eggs and food waste lemon skin as jam.
His cuisine surprises people with unusual shapes and crazy pairing combinations.
Blake started working in the world's top creative restaurant at the age of eleven, he is a wild card in more ways than one. Think fermented bean curd with honey, roast peppers with preserved eggs and food waste lemon skin as jam.
His cuisine surprises people with unusual shapes and crazy pairing combinations.

"我小时候很迷滑板文化,11岁生日时,我想要一个冲浪板。我妈跟我开玩笑说,那我得去找份工作,然后。。。我就真的这么做了!“ Blake笑着跟我们说起了他主厨生涯的开始。
“厨房的生活艰苦,可怕,到处都是滚烫的东西,一不小心就会受伤。但同时也是有趣的” Blake谈起了他最初进入厨房时的感受。
当时他工作的厨房属于那座城市数一数二的餐厅,餐厅里聚集了一群优秀的厨师。在这样的环境下他飞速成长,13岁时,Blake已开始参加各种国际厨艺比赛,14岁时他比赛得奖,奖品是去往芝加哥的Charlie Trotter餐厅,向餐厅创始人——被誉为重新定义了美国食物的料理开拓者——Charlie Trotter 学习三个月的创意料理。
Growing up in the wine region of Marlborough, New Zealand, young Blake got into cooking by accident. “I was a little skater punk back then and for my 11th birthday I wanted a surfboard. My mum jokingly told me to get a job instead, so I did!” He unsuspectingly began his culinary career washing dishes at Cellier le Brun, one of the most prestigious fine dining restaurants in the country. “Life in the kitchen is tough, scary, full of accidents waiting to happen. It’s very easy to get hurt if I’m not careful, but it’s also interesting.” Blake talked about how he felt when he first entered the kitchen. By the time he finally got his surfboard, the surfing venue had actually turned into a kitchen, full of shouting and clanging kitchen sounds. His curiosity was sparked when he created his very own first dish. The combinations of different ingredients created diverse flavors and different cooking methods, all created with his own imagination. It was magic for a kid who's just starting out in the culinary world. Driven by fascination, Blake was able to cook everything on the menu after just one year. Blake got good quick - working alongside and learning from the team of chefs at the restaurant. By the age of thirteen, he was competing in international cooking competitions. At the age of fourteen, he won a competition with a prize to go to Charlie Trotter's restaurant in Chicago to do an apprenticeship for three months!
Growing up in the wine region of Marlborough, New Zealand, young Blake got into cooking by accident. “I was a little skater punk back then and for my 11th birthday I wanted a surfboard. My mum jokingly told me to get a job instead, so I did!” He unsuspectingly began his culinary career washing dishes at Cellier le Brun, one of the most prestigious fine dining restaurants in the country. “Life in the kitchen is tough, scary, full of accidents waiting to happen. It’s very easy to get hurt if I’m not careful, but it’s also interesting.” Blake talked about how he felt when he first entered the kitchen. By the time he finally got his surfboard, the surfing venue had actually turned into a kitchen, full of shouting and clanging kitchen sounds. His curiosity was sparked when he created his very own first dish. The combinations of different ingredients created diverse flavors and different cooking methods, all created with his own imagination. It was magic for a kid who's just starting out in the culinary world. Driven by fascination, Blake was able to cook everything on the menu after just one year. Blake got good quick - working alongside and learning from the team of chefs at the restaurant. By the age of thirteen, he was competing in international cooking competitions. At the age of fourteen, he won a competition with a prize to go to Charlie Trotter's restaurant in Chicago to do an apprenticeship for three months!

Charlie Trotter,全球排名前30的高级餐厅,以菜肴的大胆创新和极具前瞻性的烹饪理念闻名。
而当时在Charlie Trotter餐厅的菜单上,已能看到葱油饼这样对西方人来说极为新奇的食物。 现如今风靡全球的超级食物,藜麦,20年前就已是Charlie Trotter餐厅中某道菜的主要原料。许多厨师和食客第一次在Charlie Trotter的餐厅看到法罗茴香粉、日本辣椒-七味唐辛子、法罗群岛鲑鱼等闻所未闻的食材。在20年后的今天,这些食材已成为高档餐厅食客们最追捧的菜肴原料,而Charlie Trotter已经用这些食材烹饪多年了。
当14岁的Blake来到Charlie Trotter时,这家餐厅极其大胆和开创性的烹饪理念带给了他极大的冲击。闻所未闻的食材,与众不同的料理方式颠覆他以往他所学的全部知识,并将他的厨艺被带到了前所未有的高度。这对他之后的料理生涯带来了巨大影响,也是在这里Blake第一次接触到了创意料理。
Charlie Trotter is one of the top 30 fine dining restaurants in the world, it's known for its bold dishes and avant-garde style. Back in the 1980s, American restaurants primarily featured European cuisine. Culinary school students studied mostly traditional French recipes. The catering industry was oriented towards serving classic dishes. The idea of innovative cuisine never really existed. However, Charlie Trotter’s menu was ahead of the game featuring dishes like scallion pancake. Quinoa, now the world's most popular superfood, was the main ingredient in a dish at Charlie Trotter's restaurant 20 years ago. It is the first place where many cooks and diners encountered ingredients like farro, fennel pollen, togarashi, Faroe Islands salmon, and more that are now often on restaurant menus. In 2003, 14-year-old Blake came to Charlie Trotter's restaurant as an apprentice. The boldness and pioneering culinary concept of this restaurant blew his mind. Unheard-of ingredients, unique cooking methods overturned all he had learnt, and took his skills to an unprecedented level. This had a huge impact on his later career. It was at Charlie Trotter's restaurant that Blake first started his journey into creative cuisine.
Charlie Trotter is one of the top 30 fine dining restaurants in the world, it's known for its bold dishes and avant-garde style. Back in the 1980s, American restaurants primarily featured European cuisine. Culinary school students studied mostly traditional French recipes. The catering industry was oriented towards serving classic dishes. The idea of innovative cuisine never really existed. However, Charlie Trotter’s menu was ahead of the game featuring dishes like scallion pancake. Quinoa, now the world's most popular superfood, was the main ingredient in a dish at Charlie Trotter's restaurant 20 years ago. It is the first place where many cooks and diners encountered ingredients like farro, fennel pollen, togarashi, Faroe Islands salmon, and more that are now often on restaurant menus. In 2003, 14-year-old Blake came to Charlie Trotter's restaurant as an apprentice. The boldness and pioneering culinary concept of this restaurant blew his mind. Unheard-of ingredients, unique cooking methods overturned all he had learnt, and took his skills to an unprecedented level. This had a huge impact on his later career. It was at Charlie Trotter's restaurant that Blake first started his journey into creative cuisine.

结束三个月实习期后,Blake前往澳洲餐饮业发展,在一次为悉尼美食周做美食制作演示时候,他认识了Chris Salans。 Chris Salans是印尼最好的高级餐厅之一——Mozaic的创始人,当时他正想为他的餐厅觅色一位行政总厨。在见到Blake后,被Blake的才华所吸引,当即便邀请Blake前往巴厘岛的Mozaic担任行政总厨。
“Chris Salans 在悉尼找到我时,我对亚洲食材一无所知,我都不知道巴厘岛是哪里,”Blake说。“但我一直在寻找那些很酷、很新潮的食材,于是我决定试一下。”
当时的Blake才20岁出头,极为年轻。刚来到Mozaic时,人们都很惊讶这样一个看上去稚气未脱的大小伙能领导一个被列入世界顶级餐饮协会Grandes Tables du Monde榜单,在全球都有着知名盛誉的餐厅。
After his three month apprenticeship, Blake went to Australia. He met Chris Salans while doing a food production demonstration for Sydney Food Week. Chris Salans was the founder of Mozaic, one of Indonesia's best fine dining restaurants. Salans was looking for an Executive Chef for his restaurant, and he was instantly attracted by Blake's talent, he very quickly decided to ask Blake to be his Executive Chef. “When Chris Salans came to me in Sydney, I didn't know anything about Asian ingredients. I didn't even know where Bali was,” Blake said, “but I was always looking for something cool and forward-looking, so I decided to give it a try” When Blake joined Mozaic, he was in his early 20s. Being very young, people were surprised that such a young guy could lead a restaurant that has been listed in the world's top restaurant association.
After his three month apprenticeship, Blake went to Australia. He met Chris Salans while doing a food production demonstration for Sydney Food Week. Chris Salans was the founder of Mozaic, one of Indonesia's best fine dining restaurants. Salans was looking for an Executive Chef for his restaurant, and he was instantly attracted by Blake's talent, he very quickly decided to ask Blake to be his Executive Chef. “When Chris Salans came to me in Sydney, I didn't know anything about Asian ingredients. I didn't even know where Bali was,” Blake said, “but I was always looking for something cool and forward-looking, so I decided to give it a try” When Blake joined Mozaic, he was in his early 20s. Being very young, people were surprised that such a young guy could lead a restaurant that has been listed in the world's top restaurant association.

Mozaic features a fusion of Asian and French cuisine. Their dishes are made with local Indonesian ingredients using French cooking methods. On Mozaic’s menu, you can find unique dishes that couldn’t be imagined; such as turnip and cauliflower paired with chocolate sauce, turmeric in sorbet, and curry in chocolate. Blake was captivated. Mozaic restaurant is surrounded by green plants and it has a herb and spice garden which was a paradise for Blake seeking out new unique ingredients.
Mozaic features a fusion of Asian and French cuisine. Their dishes are made with local Indonesian ingredients using French cooking methods. On Mozaic’s menu, you can find unique dishes that couldn’t be imagined; such as turnip and cauliflower paired with chocolate sauce, turmeric in sorbet, and curry in chocolate. Blake was captivated. Mozaic restaurant is surrounded by green plants and it has a herb and spice garden which was a paradise for Blake seeking out new unique ingredients.

At Mozaic, two or three new dishes are added to the menu every week.
During his years at Mozai,c Blake was able to fully explore his potential freely. His dishes gave an exotic impression to people coming from all over the world. In Blake's world, food is not just for taste, it transforms the experiences into a culinary fantasy.
At Mozaic, two or three new dishes are added to the menu every week.
During his years at Mozai,c Blake was able to fully explore his potential freely. His dishes gave an exotic impression to people coming from all over the world. In Blake's world, food is not just for taste, it transforms the experiences into a culinary fantasy.

煎三文鱼配姜泥,胡萝卜,豆碎 & 由姜黄制成的冰糕由配罗勒叶制成的果冻 图片来自 Syafril Hendro (https://www.instagram.com/syafrilphoto/).

金枪鱼蛋筒配帕尔马干酪 & 鹅肝慕斯与青苹果和柠檬香草泡沫

来到上海后,Blake在OHA cafe和Table Black担任行政总厨。这次,他将贵州食材,上海食材与西餐烹饪手法融合在一起,创造了一系列极为奇特美味的菜肴。
After working in Indonesia for nearly a decade, Blake was approached by a friend from Guizhou, China. After settling down in Shanghai for many years he discovered that many western restaurants in Shanghai at that time were imitating western concepts, also that the catering industry was not innovative and lacked its own characteristics. He hoped to bring a fresh and radical experience for Shanghai diners. As someone who is always pursuing new challenges, Blake said yes immediately. Before coming to Shanghai he was taken to a food tour in Guizhou. He visited a number of primitive villages in the mountains where he saw many kinds of novel food that he had never seen before. The unique cooking styles impressed him. “Guizhou food is so interesting”, Blake said excitedly. After coming to Shanghai, Blake worked as the Executive Chef at OHA Cafe and Table Black. Fusing Guizhou and Shanghai ingredients and using Western techniques, he created a series of unique and exquisite dishes.
After working in Indonesia for nearly a decade, Blake was approached by a friend from Guizhou, China. After settling down in Shanghai for many years he discovered that many western restaurants in Shanghai at that time were imitating western concepts, also that the catering industry was not innovative and lacked its own characteristics. He hoped to bring a fresh and radical experience for Shanghai diners. As someone who is always pursuing new challenges, Blake said yes immediately. Before coming to Shanghai he was taken to a food tour in Guizhou. He visited a number of primitive villages in the mountains where he saw many kinds of novel food that he had never seen before. The unique cooking styles impressed him. “Guizhou food is so interesting”, Blake said excitedly. After coming to Shanghai, Blake worked as the Executive Chef at OHA Cafe and Table Black. Fusing Guizhou and Shanghai ingredients and using Western techniques, he created a series of unique and exquisite dishes.

This dish looks like a dessert, but actually it is smoked tendon and red wine poached radish wrapped in a shell made with beef stock and lard using Sonicprep, and finally topped with caviar. The outer layer tastes creamy, the tendon provides layers of texture, and the white radish poached in red wine creates bewildering flavors.
This dish looks like a dessert, but actually it is smoked tendon and red wine poached radish wrapped in a shell made with beef stock and lard using Sonicprep, and finally topped with caviar. The outer layer tastes creamy, the tendon provides layers of texture, and the white radish poached in red wine creates bewildering flavors.

Sandwich made of Shanghai fried rice cake, shredded duck confit and pickled radish paired with Guizhou sour duck soup.
Sandwich made of Shanghai fried rice cake, shredded duck confit and pickled radish paired with Guizhou sour duck soup.

The appearance is completely out of one’s imagination. It is horse meat marinated in Guizhou gravy with rice wine and caramel, paired with bamboo fungus braised in chicken soup.
The appearance is completely out of one’s imagination. It is horse meat marinated in Guizhou gravy with rice wine and caramel, paired with bamboo fungus braised in chicken soup.

These artful dishes were all created by Blake. The ingredients have been deconstructed and reinvented into exceptional shapes and tastes.
These artful dishes were all created by Blake. The ingredients have been deconstructed and reinvented into exceptional shapes and tastes.

而这瓶看似普通的果酱实际上是Blake用厨余废料柠檬皮制成。 Blake工作的餐厅每天要用大量的柠檬汁做鸡尾酒,一只柠檬手挤出的果汁含量仅占整只柠檬的三分之一,而剩下的柠檬皮由于有股涩涩的苦味,总会很可惜的被调酒师直接扔掉。 Blake每天看着堆积如山的柠檬皮,他的创造灵感又被激发了。他将柠檬皮煮熟后打碎,与另一种厨余,山胡椒壳混合,再加入糖等调料后,柠檬皮重生了。 混合着酸甜辛辣的柠檬酱可以被用来调制鸡尾酒,也可用来做面包的抹酱,还可以用来做柠檬派的馅料, 做沙拉的酱汁,炸鸡的蘸酱等等。
柠檬皮的各类维生素含量比柠檬汁还要高,因为口味不受大众喜欢而被抛弃。在Blake的改造下,原本苦涩的味道变成了清爽开胃的美味,柠檬本身单一的酸味被挖掘出了更多的新风味。 这由重生后的柠檬皮制成的果酱,被Blake贴切的取名为“被拯救的柠檬酱”。
This seemingly ordinary jam was actually made from wasted lemon rind. Restaurants use a lot of lemon juice to make cocktails every day. Juice constitutes only one third of a lemon, and the remaining lemon skins are usually discarded by bartenders. When Blake saw the problem, his creativity spiked again! He boiled and grinded the lemon skin and mixed it with another kind of kitchen waste, mountain pepper shell. He added sugar and other spices — the lemon skin was reborn. The mixed flavor of sweet, sour and spicy is very versatile, can be used for cocktails, bread spreads, lemon pie fillings, salad dressings, fried chicken dips, and much more. Most people may not know that lemon skin is higher in vitamins than lemon juice itself, but due to the unappealing taste it is always thrown away. This reborn jam is named by Blake as “rescued lemon jam”.
This seemingly ordinary jam was actually made from wasted lemon rind. Restaurants use a lot of lemon juice to make cocktails every day. Juice constitutes only one third of a lemon, and the remaining lemon skins are usually discarded by bartenders. When Blake saw the problem, his creativity spiked again! He boiled and grinded the lemon skin and mixed it with another kind of kitchen waste, mountain pepper shell. He added sugar and other spices — the lemon skin was reborn. The mixed flavor of sweet, sour and spicy is very versatile, can be used for cocktails, bread spreads, lemon pie fillings, salad dressings, fried chicken dips, and much more. Most people may not know that lemon skin is higher in vitamins than lemon juice itself, but due to the unappealing taste it is always thrown away. This reborn jam is named by Blake as “rescued lemon jam”.

当问起Blake,如果要用一道菜来形容他自己的话,那会是什么菜? Blake说:“那将会是一种大胆,风味浓烈,层次丰富的菜。”
年少时意外选择的厨师道路,使他的人生路早早就偏离了社会普遍定义的传统观念。但他因为热爱,跟着自己的感觉和直觉走出了一段极为精彩的人生路。 在创意菜不被接受的年代,人们常常有这样的想法:“传统美食已经很美味了,为什么还要创新?”如今创意菜已风靡全球,人们意识到,美食不仅可以很美味,还可以更美味。
"Don't always copy what others already did. Think outside the box and do something that no one else has done before." Blake said. Blake's choice at the age of 10 meant he didn't follow a life path like most. Fueled by his intuition, he went on an inspiring journey. His experience was enriched by different cultures, but he never let them take over his own style. Through constant boundary breaking and challenging norms, he developed a style that only belongs to him. In an age when creative cuisine was not popular, people thought that traditional cuisine was already delicious, why does it need to change? But now creative cuisine is taking over the world.
"Don't always copy what others already did. Think outside the box and do something that no one else has done before." Blake said. Blake's choice at the age of 10 meant he didn't follow a life path like most. Fueled by his intuition, he went on an inspiring journey. His experience was enriched by different cultures, but he never let them take over his own style. Through constant boundary breaking and challenging norms, he developed a style that only belongs to him. In an age when creative cuisine was not popular, people thought that traditional cuisine was already delicious, why does it need to change? But now creative cuisine is taking over the world.